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Over 55’s Accommodation

There are many housing options available to people over the age of 55 across Monmouthshire, from older persons accommodation to sheltered housing.


Sheltered Housing / Community Living 

Sheltered housing is designed to meet the needs of older people. The accommodation offers independence, privacy and security, with the reassurance that help is always available if needed through a 24hr emergency alarm service. Most accomodation offers some shared spaces for community use and activities.

Sheltered housing is available to those aged 60 and over, although some landlords accept tenants aged 55 and over. Age restrictions of a property will be clearly labelled on an advert and will appear in the following format:   

Explore our interactive map to discover where Retirement Living schemes are located in Monmouthshire and learn about the facilities they offer.


Trevor Bowen House, Monmouth
Our sheltered housing has a range of purpose built self-contained flats and bungalows. Providing tenants with a home they can manage, with adaptions where necessary to allow easy access.  Some of the accommodation is pet friendly and permission can be sought to keep a pet at your home.

The accommodation usually contains 1 or 2 bedrooms and although the individual properties are self-contained, most schemes offer communal facilities such as a lounge/kitchen, laundry room, garden and storage for mobility scooters, offering tenants a chance to socialise with people of a similar age group.

Sheltered accommodation is not a care or residential home - tenants are able to live independently in their own properties and can decide the extent to which they want to take part in social events or activities arranged within their scheme.

Communal area at one of our sheltered schemes

To apply for sheltered housing you will need to complete an online application, which can be accessed  here.


Monmouthshire County Council

Monmouthshire Council provide a support at home service. To find out more and to see if you are eligible please visit here.

Age Cymru

Age Cymru is committed to delivering information and advice service on matters affecting older people in Wales. You can find out more here.

Community Connections Befriending Scheme for Over 50's

Community Connections is an informal, local befriending scheme which helps people to stay connected and avoid feeling lonely.

The scheme provides company and support to older people who are socially isolated who live in Monmouthshire.

For more information you can visit their website here or give one of their friendly volunteers a call on 01600 888481.


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