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Live Chat is now closed and will reopen again 9:30am Monday to Friday

Contact Details

Our Advisors are here to talk to you whichever way you choose to contact us. Before contacting us you may be able to find the answer to your question in our frequently asked questions section on our help section HERE.


Live Chat:

Click the 'chat live with us' bubble at the bottom of any web page to chat live with one of our advisors. 


Live Chat Opening Times:

Live chat is open during office opening times, subject to staff availability.


Email: or for Low Cost Homeownership  


Postal Address:

Monmouthshire Homesearch
Nant Y Pia House
Mamhilad Technology Park


Call us on:

0345 900 2956

Please note phone calls to Monmouthshire Homesearch may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.


Opening Times:
Monday to Thursday 9am. to 5pm.
Friday 9am to 4:30pm.